I sent this email out.... perhaps bloggers would like the opportunity to give as well!
Hello Friends,
The holiday season is fast approaching and I'm sure many of you are
aware of the strain this puts on families that do not have much extra
As most of you know, this is the demographic I am working with and my
students' families certainly struggle around this time of year.
I am asking for your help, ONLY IF YOU ARE SO INCLINED, to help me make
this holiday season less of a burden for these families. I am trying
to collect either money or gifts to ensure these families can enjoy the
holiday season. I can take ANYTHING- because certainly if gifts are
not age-appropriate for my students (who are 11-15), they have siblings
of all ages who can enjoy them. If you do decide to donate money, I
will either buy them gift certificates for food, or to places such as
Target or Old Navy. Also, school supplies are ALWAYS a wonderful gift,
as even things as minor as notebooks and pencils and paper and books
can be burdensome for these families.
Also, if you are inclined to pass this along to any of your friends who
you believe may be interested in helping, please do so. What may not
seem like much to you is a lot to the majority of my students. Please
let me know if you are able and I can coordinate with you.
I sincerely appreciate any help! Best holiday wishes to all of you as